Project Overview
IU Health Plans identified the need to redesign their online experience in a way that more authentically served their customers and satisfied the unmet needs of a diverse user base. This required a much deeper understanding of their customers, The business was eager to provide superior, innovative services to their customers, but required a much deeper understanding of their customers' current and ideal experiences.
Project completed while working with the awesome folks at Collabo Creative.

Research Goals
A research plan was created to meet the following goals: 1) Understand users current overall experience with health insurance providers, and envision what their ideal experience could be. 2) Their needs and desires in terms of their interactive experience and digital communication platform preferences. 3) Determining expectations for the overall visual experience of IU Health Plans.

Utilizing human-centered design research methods, discovery sessions were held with three primary user groups: current IU Health Plans members (provided by their employer), members who are 65 or older, and individuals who buy their plans on the Marketplace Exchange. Participants were engaged with brainstorming, moodboarding, storyboarding, and preference mapping.

Journey Maps, Personas, Key Insights, Experience Map
Using the research data and insights, we collaborated with the client and web design firm to prioritize key user goals and identify areas for improvement and simplification in their existing digital platform. Further, the client was able to create an innovation roadmap to plan for new services and feature for their entire digital ecosystem for the next 2–5 years.